
Publications, Jesper Simonsen

1. Theses
2. Journal Articles
3. Peer Reviewed International Conference Papers
4. Work in Progress
5. Books and Proceedings
6. Book Chapters and Invited Contributions
7. Research Reports and Other Publications

1. Theses

1.3: Ph.D. Simonsen, J. (1994): Designing Systems in an Organizational Context: An Explorative Study of Theoretical, Methodological, and Organizational Issues from Action Research in Three Design Projects, Ph.D. thesis in Computer Science, Writings on Computer Science No. 52, Computer Science Department, Roskilde University, Roskilde, Denmark.
   Summary (in Danish)
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1.2: M.Sc. Andersen, R. and J. Simonsen (1989): Statistikprojektet: Et systemudviklingsprojekt med fokus på arbejdsformer og forandring, [The Project on Statistics: A Systems Development Project focusing on Work Practices and Change], Master of Science thesis in Computer Science and Communication, Roskilde University, Roskilde, Denmark.
   Abstract (in Danish)

1.1: B.Sc. Simonsen, J. (1988): Projektetablering og planlægning med referencelinier, [Project Establishment and Planning with Baselines], Bachelor of Science thesis in Administrative Computer Science, Roskilde University, Roskilde, Denmark.
   Abstract (in Danish)

2. Journal Articles

2.26: Simonsen, J., H. Karasti, and M. Hertzum (2020): ”Infrastructuring and Participatory Design: Exploring Infrastructural Inversion as Analytic, Empirical and Generative,” Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), Vol. 29, pp. 115–151. DOI: 10.1007/s10606-019-09365-w.
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2.25: Hertzum, M., and J. Simonsen (2019): ”How is professionals’ information seeking shaped by workplace procedures? A study of healthcare clinicians,” Information Processing & Management, Vol.56, Issue 3, May 2019, pp. 624-636.
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2.24: Hertzum, M., and J. Simonsen (2019): ”Configuring information systems and work practices for each other: What competences are needed locally,” International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, Vol.122, pp. 242-255.
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2.23: Østergaard, K. L., J. Simonsen, and H. Karasti (2018): ”Examining situated design practices: Nurses’ transformations towards genuine participation,” Design Studies, Vol. 59, pp. 37-57.
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2.22: Simonsen, J, M. Hertzum, and J.D. Scheuer (2018): ”Quality development in healthcare: Participation vs. accreditation,” Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies, Vol. 8, No S3, pp. 49-69.
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2.21: Hertzum, M., and J. Simonsen (2016): ”Effects of electronic emergency-department whiteboards on clinicians' time distribution and mental workload,” Health Informatics Journal, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 3-20.
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2.20: Hertzum, M., and J. Simonsen (2015): ”Visual overview, oral detail: The use of an emergency-department whiteboard,” International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, Vol. 28 Oct. issue, pp. 21-30.
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2.19: Hertzum, M., and J. Simonsen (2013): ”Work-Practice Changes Associated with an Electronic Emergency-Department Whiteboard,” Health Informatics Journal, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 46-60.
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2.18: Robertson, T. and J. Simonsen (Eds.) (2012): Design Issues: Special issue of Participatory Design, Vol. 28, No. 3 pp. 1-118.
   MIT Press-link to the journal
   Introduction to the special issue

2.17: Simonsen, J. and M. Hertzum (2012): ”Sustained Participatory Design: Extending the Iterative Approach,” Design Issues, Vol. 28, No. 3, pp. 313-328.
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2.16: Robertson, T. and J. Simonsen (2012): ”Challenges and Opportunities in Contemporary Participatory Design,” Design Issues, Vol. 28, No. 3, pp.3-9.
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2.15: Hertzum, M., J. Bansler, E. Havn, and J. Simonsen (2012): ”Pilot Implementation: Learning from Field Tests in IS Development,” Communications of the Association for Information Systems, Vol. 30, No. 1, Article 20, pp. 313-328.
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2.14: Hertzum, M., and J. Simonsen (2011): ”Effects-Driven IT Development: Specifying and Measuring Usage Effects”, Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems, Vol. 23 , No. 1, pp. 1-26.
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2.13: Simonsen, J. (2009): "A Concern for Engaged Scholarship: The Challenges for Action Research Projects", Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 111–128.
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2.12 Simonsen, J. (2009): "The Role of Ethnography in the Design and Implementation of IT Systems", Design Principles and Practices, an International Journal, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 251-264.
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2.11 Hertzum, M. and J. Simonsen (2008): "Positive effects of electronic patient records on three clinical activities", International Journal of Medical Informatics, Vol. 77, No. 12, pp. 809-817, doi:10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2008.03.006.
   Selected for the "best paper selection" of the 2009 IMIA Yearbook of Medical Informatics
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2.10 Simonsen, J (2007): "Involving Top Management in IT Projects: Aligning Business Needs and IT Solutions with the Problem Mapping Technique", Communications of the ACM, Vol. 50, No. 8, August, pp. 52-58.
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2.9 Granlien, M. F. and J. Simonsen (2007): "Challenges for IT-supported shared care: a qualitative analyses of two shared care initiatives for diabetes treatment in Denmark", International Journal of Integrated Care, Vol. 7, pp. 1–13.
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2.8 Bøving, K. B. and J. Simonsen (2004): "http Log Analysis - an Approach to Studying the Use of Web-Based Information Systems", Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems, Vol. 16, pp. 145–174.
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2.7 Bødker, K., J. K. Pors, and J. Simonsen (2004): "Implementation of Web-based Information Systems in Distributed Organizations – a Change Management Approach", Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems, Vol. 16, pp. 85–116.
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2.6 Kensing, F., J. Simonsen and K. Bødker (2004). Participatory IT Design - an exemplary case. Journal of the Center for Information Studies, Vol. 5, Issue 3, pp. 58-68

2.5 Simonsen, J. (1999): "How do we take Care of Strategic Alignment? Constructing a design approach", Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems, Vol. 11, pp. 51-72.
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2.4 Simonsen, J. and F. Kensing (1998): "Make Room for Ethnography in Design", ACM-SIGDOC Journal of Computer Documentation, Vol. 22, No. 1, February, pp. 20-30.
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2.3 Kensing, F., J. Simonsen, and K. Bødker (1998): "MUST - a Method for Participatory Design", Human-Computer Interaction, Vol. 13, No. 2, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., pp. 167-198.
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2.2 Kensing, F., J. Simonsen, and K. Bødker (1998): "Participatory Design at a Radio Station", Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Vol. 7, No. 3-4, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 243-271.
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2.1 Simonsen, J. and F. Kensing (1997): "Using Ethnography in Contextual Design", Communications of the ACM, Vol. 40, No. 7, July, pp. 82-88.
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3. Peer Reviewed International Conference Papers

3.43 Simonsen, J., A.Z. Malik, G. From, M.F. Parslov, and L.T. Sørensen (2020). “A Checklist For A Successful PD Student Project,” Proceedings of the 16th biennial Conference on Participatory Design, PDC’2020, June 15-19, Manizales, Colombia: Participation(s) otherwise, Vol. II, ACM. DOI:10.1145/3384772.3385132
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3.42 Gyldenkærne, C.H., J. Simonsen, T. Mønsted, and G. From (2020). “PD and The Challenge of AI in Health-Care,” Proceedings of the 16th biennial Conference on Participatory Design, PDC’2020, June 15-19, Manizales, Colombia: Participation(s) otherwise, Vol. II, ACM. DOI:10.1145/3384772.3385138
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3.41 Hertzum, M., and J. Simonsen (2020): “How Come Nothing Changed? Reflections on the Fasting-Time Project,” Proceedings from Medical Informatics Europe, MIE2020, April 28- May 01, 2020, Geneva, Switzerland: Digital Personalized Health, IOS Press.
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3.40 Østergaard, K.L., J. Simonsen, and M. Hertzum (2019): “The Handover from Intensive Care Unit to General Ward: Baseline Performance and Participatory Design of an Electronic Follow-Up Plan,” in L. Ohno-Machado and B. Séroussi (Eds.) Proceedings of the 17th World Congress of Medical and Health Informatics MEDINFO 2019, Aug. 25-30, Lyon, France, International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA) and IOS Press, pp. 1303-1307. DOI:10.3233/SHTI190437
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3.39 Simonsen, J., and O. Storm Jensen (2016): “Contact Quality in Participation: A “Sensethic” Perspective,” in C. Bossen, R.C. Smith, A.M. Kanstrup, L. Huybrechts, J. Vines, and K. Bødker (Eds.) Proceedings of the 14th Participatory Design Conference, August 15-19, 2016, Aarhus, Denmark: Participatory Design in an era of participation, Vol. II, ACM, pp. 45-48.
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   Presentation (video)

3.38 Østergaard, K.L., H. Karasti, and J. Simonsen (2016): “Nurses’ Journey Toward Genuine Participation: Becoming and Learning,” in C. Bossen, R.C. Smith, A.M. Kanstrup, L. Huybrechts, J. Vines, and K. Bødker (Eds.) Proceedings of the 14th Participatory Design Conference, August 15-19, 2016, Aarhus, Denmark: Participatory Design in an era of participation, Vol. II, ACM, pp. 57-60.
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3.37 Simonsen, J., and J.D. Scheuer (2016): “Accreditation and Participatory Design: An Effects-Driven Road to Quality Development Projects”, in J. Pries Heje and P. Svejvig (Eds),: Project Management for Achieving Change, Roskilde University Press, pp. 11-31. Paper presented at the 2nd Danish Project Management Research Conference, June 8-9, Copenhagen, Denmark.
   Information about the book from Roskilde University Press (Samfundslitteratur)

3.36 Simonsen, J., J.D. Scheuer, and M. Hertzum (2015): “Accreditation and Participatory Design in the Health-Care Sector,” in Anssi Öörni, Netta Iivari, Kari Kuutti, Harri Oinas-Kukkonen and Mikko Rajanen (Eds.) (2015) Proceedings of the 38th Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia (IRIS 38), Oulu, Finland, 9-12 August. (USB).
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3.35 Simonsen, J., M. Hertzum, H. Karasti (2015): “Supporting Clinicians in Infrastructuring,” in Enrico Maria Piras and Gunnar Ellingsen (Eds.): Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Infrastructures for Healthcare (IHC): Patient-centred Care and Patient generated Data, 18-19 June, 2015, University of Trento, Trento, Italy.
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3.34 Simonsen, J., M. Hertzum, J.L. Nielsen and S. Riis (2014): “Toward a Theory for the Design of Human Technologies,” in Tuck Wah Leong, Toni Robertson, Kenton O’Hara, Greg Wadley, and Lian Loke (Eds.): Proceedings of the 26th Conference of the Computer-Human Interaction Special Interest Group of Australia on Computer-Human Interaction, OZCHI'2014, Sydney, Australia, December 2nd - 5th, 2014: Designing Futures: the Future of Design, ACM, pp. 444-447.
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3.33 Lassen, J. V., and J. Simonsen (2014): “Supporting Hospital Inter-Departmental Coordination With Electronic Whiteboards,” in Ahmad Ghazawneh, Jacob Nørbjerg and Jan Pries-Heje (Eds.): Proceedings of the 37th Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia (IRIS 37), Ringsted, Denmark, 10-13 August. ISBN 978-87-7349-876-7 (USB).
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3.32 M. Hansen, M. and J. Simonsen (2012): “Appropriations and feedback from technology in use”, in P. .J Ågerfalk, J.E. Lundström, C. Keller, and M. Wiberg (Eds.): Proceedings of the 35th IRIS Seminar (Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia), IRIS 2012: Designing the Interactive Society, August 17–20, 2012, Sigtuna, Sweden.
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3.31 Simonsen, J., and M. Hertzum (2012): “Real-Use Evaluation of Effects: Emergency Departments Aiming for ‘Warm Hands’”, in K. Halskov, O.S. Iversen, M. Büscher, J. Simonsen, and K. Bødker (Eds.): Proceedings of the 12th biennial Participatory Design Conference, PDC 2012, Roskilde, Denmark, August 12-16, 2012: Embracing New Territories of Participation, Volume 2: Exploratory Papers, Workshop Descriptions, Industry Cases, Vol. 2, ACM, pp. 69-73.
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3.30 Fleron, B., R. Rasmussen, J. Simonsen, and M. Hertzum (2012): “User Participation in Implementation”, in K. Halskov, O.S. Iversen, M. Büscher, J. Simonsen, and K. Bødker (Eds.): Proceedings of the 12th biennial Participatory Design Conference, PDC 2012, Roskilde, Denmark, August 12-16, 2012: Embracing New Territories of Participation, Volume 2: Exploratory Papers, Workshop Descriptions, Industry Cases, Vol. 2, ACM, , pp. 61-64.
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3.29 Hertzum, M., and Simonsen, J. (2010): "Effects-Driven IT Development: An Instrument for Supporting Sustained Participatory Design", in K. Bødker, T. Bratteteig, D. Loi, and T. Robertson (Eds.): Proceedings of the 11th biennial conference on Participatory Design: Participation – the challenge, November 29 – December 3, 2010, Sydney, Australia, ACM press, 2010, pp. 61-70.
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3.28 Hertzum, M., and Simonsen, J. (2010): "Clinical overview and emergency-department whiteboards: A survey of expectations toward electronic whiteboards", in A. Bygholm, P. Elberg, and O. Hejlesen (Eds.), SHI2010: Proceedings of the 8th Scandinavian Conference on Health Informatics (Copenhagen, DK, August 23-24), Tapir Academic Press, Trondheim, NO, pp. 14-18.
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3.27 Rasmussen, R., B. Fleron, M. Hertzum and J. Simonsen (2010): "Implementation of Electronic Whiteboards at Two Emergency Departments", in H.W. Nicolajsen, J. Persson, L. Heeager, G. Tjørnehøj, K. Kautz, P.A. Nielsen (Eds.): Proceedings of the 33rd IRIS Seminar (Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia), IRIS 2010, Rebild Bakker, 21.-24. august 2010, Rebild, Denmark, ISBN 978-87-992586-1-7 (CD).
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3.26 Simonsen, J. (2009): "The Action Research Project – an Endangered Species in Scandinavian IS Research?", in J. Molka-Danielsen (Ed.): Proceedings of the 32nd Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia, IRIS 32, Inclusive Design, Molde, Norway, August 9-12, Molde University College, 2009.
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3.25 Simonsen, J and M. Hertzum (2008): "Participatory Design and the Challenges of Large-Scale Systems: Extending the Iterative PD Approach", in Simonsen, J., T. Robinson, and D. Hakken (Eds.): Proceedings of the 10th anniversary conference on Participatory Design: Experiences and Challenges, September 30 – October 4, 2008, Bloomington, Indiana, USA, ACM press, 2008, pp. 1-10.
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3.24 Barlach, A. and J. Simonsen (2008): "Effect specifications as an Alternative to Use Cases", in Asproth, A, K. Axelsson, S.C. Holmberg, C. Ihlström, and B. Sundgren (Eds.): Proceedings of the 31st Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia, IRIS 31, Public systems in the future – possibilities, challenges and pitfalls, Åre, Sweden, August 10-13, 2008.
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3.23 Barlach, A. and J. Simonsen (2007): "Which Parts of a Clinical Process EPR Needs Special Configuration", in K. Kuhn, J. Warren, and T. Y. Leong (Eds.): MEDINFO 2007, Proceedings of the 12th World Congress on Health (Medical) Informatics, Volume 129 Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 1048-1052.
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3.22 Møller-Jensen, J., I.L. Pedersen, and J. Simonsen (2006): "Measurement of the Clinical Usability of a Configurable EHR", in A. Hasman, R. Haux, J. van der Lei, E. De Clercq, and F.H. Roger France (Eds.): Ubiquity: Technologies for Better Health in Aging Societies, Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of the European Federation for Medical Informatics (MIE 2006), Maastrict, the Netherlands, 27-30 August, IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 356-361.
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3.21 Møller-Jensen, J., J. Simonsen, and R. K. Iversen (2006): "Measuring Effects on the Clinical Practice from a Configured EHR", in O. Hejlesen, A. Bygholm, and P. Bertelsen (Eds.): Proceedings of the 4th Scandinavian conference on Health Informatics (SHI 2006), Aalborg University, Aalborg, August 24-25, Virtual Centre for Health Informatics, Aalborg University, Denmark, pp. 58-62.
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3.20 Simonsen, J. and M. Hertzum (2006): "A Regional PD Strategy for EPR Systems: Evidence-Based IT Development", in G. Jacucci, F. Kensing, I. Wagner, and J. Blomberg (Eds.): Proceedings of the ninth biannual Participatory Design Conference 2006 Vol. II (PDC'2006), Expanding Boundaries in Design, August 1-5, 2006 Trento, Italy, Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility - CPSR, Palo Alto, CA 94302-0717, pp. 125-128.
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3.19 Simonsen, J. and M. Hertzum (2005): "Evidence-Based IT Development: Toward a New Contract Model for EPR Projects", in O. Hejlesen and C. Nøhr (Eds.) Proceedings of the 3rd Scandinavian conference on Health Informatics (SHI 2005), Aalborg University, Aalborg, August 25-26, Virtual Centre for Health Informatics, Aalborg University, Denmark, pp. 66-70.
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3.18 Bjørn, P., and J. Simonsen (2005): "Joint Enterprise and the Role of the Intermediator: Challenges Managing Groupware in Global Virtual Teams", in D. C. Martin (Ed.): Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2005), 22-26 August 2005, Cophenhagen, Denmark, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 609-615.
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3.17 Hertzum, M. and J. Simonsen (2004). Evidence-Based Development: A Viable Approach? In A. Hyrskykari (Ed.) Proceedings of NordiCHI 2004, Tampere, Finland, 23-27 October 2004, ACM Press, New York, pp. 385-388.
   1 page poster
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3.16 Danholt, P., K. Bødker, M. Hertzum and J. Simonsen (2004). Healthcare IT and Patient Empowerment: The Case of Diabetes Treatment. In A. Clement, F. Cindio, A. Oostveen, and P. Besselaar (Eds.) Proceedings of the eighth Participatory Design Conference 2004, Vol. II (PDC 2004), Artful Integration: Interweaving Media, Materials and Practices, July 27-31, 2004 Toronto, Canada, Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility - CPSR, Palo Alto, CA 94302-0717, pp. 80-83.
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3.15 Simonsen, J. (2004). Participative Design With Top Management: Anchoring Visions by the Problem Mapping Technique. In A. Clement, F. Cindio, A. Oostveen, and P. Besselaar (Eds.) Proceedings of the eighth Participatory Design Conference 2004, Vol. II (PDC 2004), Artful Integration: Interweaving Media, Materials and Practices, July 27-31, 2004 Toronto, Canada, Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility - CPSR, Palo Alto, CA 94302-0717, pp. 109-113.
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3.14 Bjørn, P. and J. Simonsen (2003): "Teams of Practice: Interdependent Conditions for Integrating Groupware in Collaborative Practice within Virtual Teams", in S. Laukkanen and S. Sarpola (Eds.) Proceedings of the 26th Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia, IRIS 26 - Scandinavian Approach to IS Research?, August 9-12, Haikko Manor, Finland, Department of Informations Systems Science, Helsinki School of Economics, Helsinki, Finland.
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3.13 Simonsen J. and J. K. Pors (2003): "Conditions for Change Related to Groupware in a Distributed Organization – a Case Study", in C. Ciborra, R. Mercurio, M. D. Marco, M. Martinez, and A. Carignani (Eds.) Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Information Systems, ECIS'2003: New Paradigms in Organizations, Markets and Society, 19.-21. June 2003, Naples, Italy. Paper 163.
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3.12 Pors, J.K. and J. Simonsen (2003): "Work Practice Characteristics: a Framework for Understanding Complex Issues of Groupware Integration", in C. Ciborra, R. Mercurio, M. D. Marco, M. Martinez, and A. Carignani (Eds.) Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Information Systems, ECIS'2003: New Paradigms in Organizations, Markets and Society, 19.-21. June 2003, Naples, Italy.
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3.11 Pors, J.K. and J. Simonsen (2003): "Coordinating Work with Groupware: The Challenge of Integrating Protocol and Artefact", in M. Korpela, R. Montealegre, and A. Poulymenakou (Eds.): Organizational Information Systems in the Context of Globalization [IFIP TC8 & TC9/WG8.2 & WG9.4: Working Conference on Information Systems Perspectives and Challenges in the Context of Globalization, 15.-17. June 2003, Athens, Greek], Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 53-68.
   Information about the book from Springer Press
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3.10 Pors, J.K. and J. Simonsen (2002): "Emergent Use-Patterns: Studying the Integration of Groupware in a Networked Organisation", in K. Bødker, M. K. Pedersen, J. Nørbjerg, J. Simonsen, and M. T. Vendelø (Eds.): Proceedings of the 25th Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia, IRIS 25 - New Ways of Working in IS, August 10-13, Bautahøj, Denmark, pp. 1174-1184.
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3.9 Bødker, K., F. Kensing, J. Simonsen (2002): "Changing Work Practices in Design", in Y. Dittrich, C. Floyd, and R. Klischewski (Eds.):Social Thinking – Software Practice, MIT Press, Boston, pp. 267-285.
   Information about the book from MIT Press

3.8 Bødker, K., F. Kensing, and J. Simonsen (2000): "Changing Work Practices in Design", in L. Svensson , U. Snis, C. Sørensen, H. Fägerlind, T. Lindroth, M. Magnusson, and C. Östlund (Eds.): Proceedings of IRIS'23 (the 23rd Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia: Doing IT Together, Lingatan, Sweden 12-15 August 2000), Laboratorium for Interaction Technology, University of Trollhättan Uddevala, pp. 45-60.
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3.7 Simonsen, J. (1999): "Anchoring Visions in Organizations", in J. Zupancic, G. Wojtkowski, W. Wojtkowski, and S. Wrycza (Eds.): Evolution and Challenges in System Development, [Seventh International Conference on Information Systems Development - Methods and Tools, Theory and Practice, Bled, Slovenia, September 21-23, 1998], Kluwer Academic Publishers, New York, pp. 73-84.
   Information about the book from Springer on-line

3.6 Simonsen, J. (1998): "The Anchoring Concept", in N. J. Buch, J. Damsgaard, L. B. Eriksen, J. H. Iversen, and P. A. Nielsen (Eds.): IRIS'21 (Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia, Sæby, Denmark, 8-11 August), "Information Systems Research in Collaboration with Industry", Vol. 2, Department of Computer Science, Aalborg University, 1998, pp. 779-791.
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3.5 Kensing, F., J. Simonsen, and K. Bødker (1997): "Designing for Cooperation at a Radio Station", in J. Hughes, J., W. Prinz, T. Rodden, and K. Schmidt, (Eds.): Proceedings of the Fifth European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Lancaster University, UK, 7-11 September 1997, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 329-344.
   Information about the book from Springer on-line  
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3.4 Simonsen, J. (1997): "Linking Design to Business Strategy Through Functional Analysis", in R. Galliers, C. Murphy, H. R. Hansen, R. O'Callaghan, S. Carlsson, and C. Loebbecke (Eds.): Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Information Systems, Cork/Ireland, June 19-21 1997, Cork Publishing Limited, pp. 1314-1327.
   Recipient of the "Officers' Award for Excellence".
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3,3 Kensing, F., J. Simonsen, and K. Bødker (1996): "MUST - a Method for Participatory Design", in J. Blomberg, F. Kensing, and E. Dykstra-Erickson (Eds.): Proceedings of the Fourth Biennial Conference on Participatory Design, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, 13-15 November 1996, Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility, Palo Alto, CA, pp. 129-140.
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3.2 Simonsen, J. (1996): "Involving Customer Relations in Contextual Design - a Case Study", in J. D. Coelho, T. Jelassi, W. König, H. Krcmar, R. O'Callaghan, and M. Sääksjarvi (Eds.): Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Information Systems, Lisbon, Portugal, July 2-4 1996, New University of Lisbon, pp. 1153-1161.
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3.1 Simonsen, J. and F. Kensing (1994): "Take Users Seriously, but Take a Deeper Look: Organizational and Technical Effects from Designing with an Ethnographically Inspired Approach", in R. Trigg, S. I. Anderson, and E. Dykstra-Erickson (Eds.): Proceedings of the Third Biennial Conference on Participatory Design, October 27-28, 1994, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility, Palo Alto, CA, pp. 47-58.
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4. Work in Progress

5. Books and Proceedings

5.12 Simonsen, J., C. Svabo, S.M. Strandvad, K. Samson, M. Hertzum, and O.E. Hansen (Eds.) (2014): Situated Design Methods, MIT Press.
   Information about the book from MIT Press
   Free access to chapter 1: Situated Methods in Design
   Introduction to the book

5.11 Simonsen, J. and T. Robinson (Eds.) (2013): Routledge International Handbook of Participatory Design, Routledge.
   Information about the book from Routledge
   Description, table of contents, author information and order form

5.10 Halskov, K., O. S. Iversen, M. Büscher, J. Simonsen, and K. Bødker: Proceedings of the 12th biennial Participatory Design Conference, PDC 2012, Roskilde, Denmark, August 12-16, 2012: Embracing New Territories of Participation, Volume 2: Exploratory Papers, Workshop Descriptions, Industry Cases, ACM, New York, NY.
   PDC 2012 homepage
   Proceedings from

5.9 Halskov, K., H. Winschiers-Theophilus, Y. Lee, J. Simonsen, and K. Bødker (2012): Proceedings of the 12th biennial Participatory Design Conference, PDC 2012, Roskilde, Denmark, August 12-16, 2012: Embracing New Territories of Participation, Volume 1: Research Papers, ACM, New York, NY. 
   PDC 2012 homepage
   Proceedings from

5.8 Simonsen, J., J.O Bærenholdt, M. Büscher, and J.D. Scheuer (Eds.) (2010): Design Research: Synergies from Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Routledge.
   Information about the book from Routledge
   Description, table of contents, author information and order form

5.7 Simonsen, J., T. Robinson, and D. Hakken (Eds.) (2008): Proceedings of the 10th anniversary conference on Participatory Design: Experiences and Challenges, September 30 – October 4, 2008, Bloomington, Indiana, USA, ACM press, 2008. 
   Proceedings from

5.6 Bødker, K., F. Kensing og J. Simonsen (2008): Professionel it-forundersøgelse: - grundlag for brugerdrevet innovation (2 udg.). Samfundslitteratur.  
   Information about the book from Samfundslitteratur (in Danish)
   Rewarded as a number one reading by Computerworld (in Danish)

5.5 Bærenholdt, J.O., J. Simonsen, and J. D. Scheuer (Eds.) (2008): Proceedings of the conference on Perspectives on Practice-Oriented Design Science, Roskilde University, May 15th. 2008.
   Introduction and table of contents

5.4 Bødker, K., F. Kensing and J. Simonsen (2006). Participatory IT Design. Designing for Business and Workplace Realities. Viva Books India.
   Information about the book from Viva Books India

5.3 Bødker, K., F. Kensing and J. Simonsen (2004). Participatory IT Design. Designing for Business and Workplace Realities. MIT press.
   Information about the book from MIT press

5.2 Keld Bødker, Mogens Kühn Pedersen, Jacob Nørbjerg, Jesper Simonsen and Morten Thanning Vendelø (Eds.) (2002). Proceedings of the 25th Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia. August 10-13, 2002. Bautahøj, Denmark.

5.1 Bødker, K., F. Kensing og J. Simonsen (2000): Professionel IT-forundersøgelse - grundlaget for bæredygtige IT-anvendelser. Samfundslitteratur. 
   Information about the book from Samfundslitteratur (in Danish)

6. Book Chapters and Invited Contributions

6.23 Brandrup, M., K.J. Østergaard, M. Hertzum, H. Karasti, and J. Simonsen (2017): “Effects-Driven Participatory Design: Learning from Sampling Interruptions,” in A.M. Kanstrup, A. Bygholm, P. Bertelsen, and C. Nøhr (Eds.): Participatory Design & Health Information Technology, IOS Press., pp.113-127.
   e-book at IOS Press
   Full text

6.22 Lassen, J. V., and J. Simonsen (2014): “User-Driven Designs in Medical Informatics: Developing and Implementing Support for Inter-departmental Coordination of Hospital Work using Electronic Whiteboards,” in J. Molka-Nielsen and J. Pries-Heje (Eds.): Selected Papers of the Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia, Issue Nr. 5, IRIS 37 – Designing Human Technologies. Paper 7. Association for Informations Systems AIS Electronic Library (AISeL),
   Postprint (free download)
   Full text

6.21 Simonsen, J., C. Svabo, S. M. Strandvad, K. Samson, M. Hertzum, and E. Hansen (2014): “Situated Methods in Design,” in J. Simonsen, C. Svabo, S. M. Strandvad, K. Samson, M. Hertzum, and O. E. Hansen (Eds.): Situated Design Methods, MIT Press, Boston, pp. 1-21.
   Information about the book from MIT Press
   Free access to chapter 1: Situated Methods in Design
   Introduction to the book

6.20 Simonsen, J., and K. Friberg (2014): “Collective Analysis of Qualitative Data,” in J. Simonsen, C. Svabo, S. M. Strandvad, K. Samson, M. Hertzum, and O. E. Hansen (Eds.): Situated Design Methods, MIT Press, Boston, pp. 99-117.
   Information about the book from MIT Press
   Introduction to the book

6.19 Bødker, K., F. Kensing, and J. Simonsen (2014): “Investigating Situated Use of the Must Method,” in J. Simonsen, C. Svabo, S. M. Strandvad, K. Samson, M. Hertzum, and O. E. Hansen (Eds.): Situated Design Methods, MIT Press, Boston, pp. 59-76
   Information about the book from MIT Press
   Introduction to the book

6.18 Barlach, A., M.Hertzum, and J. Simonsen (2013): “Pilot implementation Driven by Effects Specifications and Formative Usability Evaluation”, in M.A. Garcia-Ruiz (Ed.): Cases on Usability Engineering: Design and Development of Digital Products, IGI global, Hershey, PA, pp. 221-254.
   Postprint (free download)
   Full text

6.17 Robinson, T. and J. Simonsen (2013): “Participatory Design: An introduction”, in J. Simonsen and T. Robinson (Eds.): Routledge International Handbook of Participatory Design, Routledge, pp. 1-18.
   Information about the book from Routledge
   Description, table of contents, author information and order form

6.16 Bratteteig, T., K. Bødker, Y. Dittrich, P. Mogensen, and J. Simonsen (2013): “Methods: Organizing Principles and General Guidelines for Participatory Design Projects”, in J. Simonsen and T. Robinson (Eds.): Routledge International Handbook of Participatory Design, Routledge, pp. 117-144.
   Information about the book from Routledge
   Description, table of contents, author information and order form

6.15 Hertzum, M., and J. Simonsen (2011): “Effects-Driven IT Development: Status 2004-2011,” in M. Hertzum, and C. Jørgensen: Balancing Sourcing and Innovation in Information Systems Development, Tapir Academic Publishers, Trondheim, NO, pp. 165-192.
   Full text

6.14 Simonsen, J., M. Hertzum, and A. Barlach (2011): “Experiences with effects specifications,” in M. Hertzum, and C. Jørgensen: Balancing Sourcing and Innovation in Information Systems Development, Tapir Academic Publishers, Trondheim, NO, pp. 145-164.
   Full text

6.13 Barlach, A., and J. Simonsen (2011): “Innovation in partnership sourcing from a vendor's pespective,” in M. Hertzum, and C. Jørgensen: Balancing Sourcing and Innovation in Information Systems Development, Tapir Academic Publishers, Trondheim, NO, pp. 192-212.
   Full text

6.12 Bødker, K. ,F. Kensing, and J. Simonsen (2011): "Participatory Design in Information Systems Development", in H. Isomäki and S. Pekkola (Eds.): Reframing Humans and Information Systems, Springer, p. 115-134.
   Information about the book from Springer

6.11 Rasmussen, R., B. Fleron, M. Hertzum,and J. Simonsen(2010): "Balancing Tradition and Transcendence in the Implementation of Emergency- Department Electronic Whiteboards", in J. Molka-Danielsen, H.W. Nicolajsen, and J.S. Persson (Eds.): IRIS Selected Papers of the Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia - Nr. 1 (2010): IRIS 33, Engaged Scandinavian Research, Tapir Academic Publishers, Trondheim, NO, pp. 73-88.
   Full text

6.10 Simonsen, J., J.O Bærenholdt, J.D. Scheuer, and M. Büscher (2010): "Synergies", in Simonsen, J., J.O Bærenholdt, M. Büscher, and J.D. Scheuer (Eds.) Design Research: Synergies from Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Routledge, pp. 201-212.
   Information about the book from Routledge
   Description, table of contents, author information and order form

6.9 Simonsen, J. and M. Hertzum (2010): "Iterative Particpatory Design", in Simonsen, J., J.O Bærenholdt, M. Büscher, and J.D. Scheuer (Eds.) Design Research: Synergies from Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Routledge, pp. 16-32.
   Information about the book from Routledge
   Description, table of contents, author information and order form

6.8 Bærenholdt, J.O., M. Büscher, J.D. Scheuer, and J. Simonsen (2010): "Perspectives on Design Research", in Simonsen, J., J.O Bærenholdt, M. Büscher, and J.D. Scheuer (Eds.) Design Research: Synergies from Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Routledge, pp. 1-15.
   Information about the book from Routledge
   Description, table of contents, author information and order form

6.7 Simonsen, J. (2010): ”Sustained Participatory Design and Implementation of ITHC”, in C. Nørh and J. Aarts (Eds): Information Technology in Health Care: Socio-Technical Approaches 2010. From Safe Systems to Patient Safety. IOS Press, 2010, doi:10.3233/978-1-60750-569-3-18, pp. 18-22.
   Full text

6.6 Simonsen, J., og M. Hertzum (2009): "Effektdrevet it-udvikling: Status og erfaringer 2004-2009", i A. Bygholm, K.N. Andersen, and C. Nøhr (red.): Sundhedssektorens digitalisering: Ledelse og effektmåling. Ålborg Universitetsforlag, Ålborg, pp. 17-41.
 Introduction (in Danish)
 Information about the book from Ålborg Universitetsforlag (in Danish)
   Full text

6.5 Simonsen, J. and M. Hertzum (2008): "The Role of Ethnography in the Organizational Implementation of IT", in C. Li (Ed.): Weaving Usability and Cultures, Interactive article published in English and Chinese.
   English version
   Chinese version

6.4 Bødker, K., Simonsen, J., and Pors, J. K. (2007): "Strategies for Organizational Implementation of Networked Communication in Distributed Organizations", in S. B. Heilesen and S. S. Jensen (Eds.): Designing for Networked Communications: Strategies and Development. Hershey-Londonore: Idea Group Publishing, pp. 52-74.
 Information about the book from Idea Group
   Full text

6.3 Simonsen, J. (2002): "Organizing", in Dittrich, Y, C. Floyd, and R. Klischewski (Eds.):Social Thinking – Software Practice, MIT Press, Boston, pp. 263-265.
   Information about the book from MIT Press
   Full text

6.2 Bødker, K., F. Kensing and J. Simonsen (1997): "Participatory Design", in Bo Fibiger (Ed.): The semiotics of Multimedia, Aarhus Universitet, pp. 40-47. [Report and CD-ROM, supported by the Leonardo da Vinci Action Programme 1996-97].

6.1 Simonsen, J., F. Kensing og K. Bødker (1997): "MUST - En metode til forundersøgelse med brugerdeltagelse", i B. Fibiger (red.): Design af Multimedier, Ålborg Universitetsforlag, Ålborg, pp. 19-60.
   Abstract (in Danish)
   Information about the book from Schultz (in Danish)

7. Research Reports and Other Publications

This section includes publications that has not been peer reviewed such as research reports, domestic conference papers, key-notes and other high-profile presentations, position papers, research proposals, project charters, project reports, movies, etc.

7.98 Simonsen, J. (2018): Effektdrevet it-udvikling: En ramme for Gentænkning af partnerskaber, inviteret foredragsholder, Dansk Projektledelse, seminar om "Gentænkning af partnerskaber i projekter", Siemens, Ballerup, Denmark, 7. nov. 2018 [Invited speaker at a Danish Project Management seminar on "Rethinkning partnerships in projects"].
   Seminar web-site

7.97 Simonsen, J. (2018): Professionel it-forundersøgelse - MUST metoden, inviteret foredragsholder hos BiWise 05.10.2018 [Presentation given at BiWise].

7.96 Simonsen, J. (2018): Design Thinking: Participatory Design and Evaluation Supporting – Local Infrastructuring, inviteret foredragsholder på Forsvarsakademiets kursus i "Designtænkning i en militær kontekst" d. 27.09.2018 [invited speaker at the Royal Danish Defence College].

7.95 Simonsen, J. (2018): Effects-Driven Participatory Design and Evaluation. Keynote speaker at the Scandinavian Conference on Health Informatics - SHI 2018, Aalborg, Denmark, August 28 and 29, 2018.
   Conference web-site
   Presentation (video)

7.94 Simonsen, J. (2018): Local Infrastructuring, Invited speaker at the konference on "Regional og lokal innovasjon: Å balansere tungvekt og lettvekts-IT Resultater fra FIGI-prosjektet 2014-18" 04.05.2018, Oslo University, Oslo, Norway.

7.93 Simonsen, J. (2016): BeReal - Better lives trough bodily-emotionally sensed reality. [Research application (phase 2) for Innovation Fund Denmark, Grand Solutions].
   Full text

7.92 Simonsen, J., P. Triantafillou, and M. Hertzum (2016): Sundhedsplatformen – fra indført IT til opnået effekt. Projektoplæg til Region Sjælland og Region Hovbedstaden [Epic - from installed IT to obtained effect. Project proposal for the Danish healthcare regions].
   Full text

7.91 Simonsen, J. (2016): Effects Driven Participatory Design and Evaluation in HealthIT. Invited speaker at Centre for Communication and Computing’s Workshop on Large scale evaluations in Health IT projects, University of Copenhagen.
   Workshop information

7.90 Simonsen, J. (2016): Effects-Driven Partcipatory Design and Evaluaton: Lessons from a decade of research. Invited speaker at eSundhedsobservatoriet 2016.
   Conference web-site

7.89 Simonsen, J. (2016): Self-Evaluation report of the Strategic Research Initiative: Designing Human Technologies, DHT (2013-2016). Department of People and Technology, Roskilde University

7.88 Simonsen, J. and O. Storm Jensen (2015): Contact Quality in Participation. Position paper presented at the workshop Unfolding Participation. What do we mean by participation – conceptually and in practice, organized by Joanna Saad-Sulonen, Kim Halskov, Liesbeth Huybrechts, John Vines, Eva Eriksson, and Helena Karasti held at the fifth decennial Aarhus conference, Critical Alternatives, August 17th, 2015.
   Workshop information
   Position paper

7.87 Andersen, U.L.S. and J. Simonsen (2015): Effektdrevet optimering som alternativ til den Danske Kvalitetsmodel. E-sundhedsobservatoriets årskonference 2015 den 6. og 7. oktober, Nyborg. [Presentation given at the Danish annual eHealth conference: eSundhedsobservatoriet].
   Conference web-site
   Presentation (video)

7.86 Jensen, D.S. and J. Simonsen (2015): Fastetid som effektmål ved overførsel af patienter til operation. E-sundhedsobservatoriets årskonference 2015 den 6. og 7. oktober, Nyborg. [Presentation given at the Danish annual eHealth conference: eSundhedsobservatoriet].
   Conference web-site
   Presentation (video)

7.85 Andrews, B., S. Bardzell, A. Clement, V. D'Andrea, D. Hakken, G. Poderi, J. Simonsen, and M. Teli (2014): Teaching Participatory Design. Workshop held at the 13th biennial Participatory Design Conference, PDC 2014, Windhoek, Namibia, 6-10 October2014:Reflecting connectedness, ACM, pp. 203-204.
   Conference web-site

7.84 Robertson, T. and J. Simonsen (2014): Tutorial.Tutorial introducing participants to some of the fundamental concepts and commitments of Participatory Design, held at the 13th biennial Participatory Design Conference, PDC 2014, Windhoek, Namibia, 6-10 October2014:Reflecting connectedness.
   Conference web-site

7.83 Karasti, H. and J. Simonsen, J. (2014): Designing Human Technologies: Ethnography, Participatory Design and Infrastructuring. [Research proposal for the Villum Foundation, Velux Visiting Professor Program application].
   Full text

7.82 Simonsen, J. (2014): Designing Methodology: Effect-Driven IT-Development. [Research proposal for DFF].
   Full text

7.81 Nykänen, P, R. Suomi, V. Vimarlund, J. Simonsen, G. Ellingsen, and A Palsdottir (2014): The Role of ICT on Nordic Welfare System - Establishing a Nordic E-Welfare Observatory (NEWO). [Research proposal for NordForsk].
   Full text

7.80 Simonsen, J. M. Hertzum, J.D. Scheuer, H.L. Møller, U.L.S. Andersen, K.L. Østergaard, M. Brandrup, R. Rasmussen, D.T. Ausen (2014): Klinisk Kommunikation. Forskningsansøgning til styregruppen for for samarbejdet mellem Region Sjælland og RUC, Nykøbing Falster Sygehus samt Imatis A/S. [Research proposal (in Danish)].
   Project blog-site:

7.79 Simonsen, J. (2014): Designing Human Technologies. Keynote presentation given at IRIS 37/SCIS 5, the 37th IRIS Seminar (Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia), IRIS 37 / the 5th Scandinavian Conference on Information Systems, SCIS 5, Ringsted, Denmark, August 10-13, 2014.
   Conference web-site

7.78 Simonsen, J., M. Hertzum, J.L. Nielsen, and S. Riis(2014): Theorizing Design of ‘Human Technologies’. DASTS’2014 Conference, Roskilde University, Denmark, June 12, to June 13, 2014.
   Conference web-site

7.77 Simonsen, J. (2014): Theorizing Design of ‘Human Technologies’. Workshop on Mobilities & Design, Lancaster University, 29th & 30th April, 2014.

7.76 Simonsen, J. (2013): Designing Human Technologies. Presentation of the new design-oriented Strategic Research Initiative for Roskilde University's steering committee, 11th. September 2013.

7.75 Simonsen, J. (2013): Designing Human Technologies, a design-oriented Strategic Research Initiative supporting Roskilde University’s new Humanities and Technology bachelor programme (‘HumTek’).
   Description (UK)
   Description (DK)

7.74 Simonsen, J. (2012): - on-line full text access to all PDC-papers since 1990. Web portal to the Complete Archive of Participatory Design Conference (PDC) Proceedings [hosted by Roskilde University].

7.73 Simonsen, J. K. Bødker, A. Eckmann and D.L. Strand (2012): Participatory Design - en styrket nordisk forankring. Application from Roskilde University to Nordisk Kulturfond [Research proposal (in Danish)].
   Full text

7.72 Simonsen, J. K. Bødker, A. Eckmann and D.L. Strand (2012): Participatory Design - en styrket nordisk forankring. Application from Roskilde University to Stiftelsen Clara Lachmanns Fond [Research proposal (in Danish)].
   Full text

7.71 Simonsen, J. (2012): Effektdrevet IT-udvikling. Effects-driven IT development. [Lecture given when the Danish Minister for Science, Innovation and Higher Education, Morten Østergaard, visited Roskilde University], Uddannelsesminister Morten Østergaards besøg på RUC 6/1-2012.

7.70 Simonsen, J. (2011): Erfaringer fra en tværvidenskabelig forskergruppe. Experiences from a interdisciplinary research group [Lecture given at a conference for The Danish Council for Independent Research], Det Frie Forskningsråds konference den 16. marts 2011.
   Conference web-site

7.69 Simonsen, J. and J.O. Bærenholdt (2011): Designing Human Technologies. Application to Roskilde University for University Research Initiative [Research proposal (in Danish)].
   Full text

7.68 Simonsen, J. (2011): Process Improvement Through Sustained Participatory Design and Effects-Driven IT Development. Keynote presentation given at the 18th European System & Software Process Improvement and Innovation (EuroSPI) Conference, Roskilde University, Denmark, 27. - 29. June 2011.
   Conference web-site
   Presentation (video)

7.67 Simonsen, J. (2010): It-projekter og innovation. [Lecture given for the Danish Board of Technology], Teknologirådet, Workshop om bedre styring af de offentlige it-projekter, 21. maj 2010.
   Conference web-site
   Presentation (podcast)
   Research description handout

7.66 Simonsen, J. (2010): Keynote speaker at the Fourth International Conference on IT in Health Care: Socio-technical Approaches (ITHC'2010), June 23-24, 2010, in Aalborg, Denmark
   Conference web-site

7.65 Simonsen, J. (2009): Designstudier: En vision for RUC's nye hovedområde. Design Studies: A Vision for Roskilde University's New Main Subject Area [Inaugural lecture as Professor of Design Studies], November 11, 2009, Roskilde University.
   Vision (English version)
   Vision (Danish version)
   Presentation (video)

7.64 Bansler J., A. Barlach, M. F. Granlien, E. Havn, M. Hertzum, and J. Simonsen (2009): "The benefits and challenges of using pilot implementations for developing healthcare IT systems", Second International Workshop on Infrastructures for Health Care: Connecting practices across institutional and professional boundaries, June 18-19, 2009, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

7.63 Simonsen, J. (2009): "Empowering Nurses by Making Electronic Health Records Collaboratively Available", the Third International Conference on Design Principles and Practices, University of the Arts, Berlin, 15-17 February, 2009.

7.62 Simonsen, J. and M. Hertzum (2008): "Participatory Design of Large-Scale Information Systems: A Reconstruction of the Iterative Prototyping Approach", in Bærenholdt, J.O., J. Simonsen, and J. D. Scheuer (Eds.): Proceedings of the conference on Perspectives on Practice-Oriented Design Science, Roskilde University, May 15th. 2008, pp. 57-72.
   Full text

7.61 Harsløf, O., J. Pries-Heje, J. Simonsen, and J. Sundbo (2008): Practice-Oriented Design Science Research for Experiences and Services (PODES). UNIK application from Roskilde University to the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation [Research proposal].
   Full text

7.60 Pries-Heje, J., J. Johansen, J. Simonsen, et al. (2007): SourceIT: Ansøgning om Innovationskonsortie, SourceIT, ”Innovation med basis i virkeligheden”, [Research proposal].
   Full text

7.59 Wagner, I, et al. (2007): SPHERE: Supporting Participation in Healthcare with Expressive, Responsive Environments. Large-scale integrating project (IP) proposal, ICT Call 1, FP7-ICT-2007-1, [Research proposal for the EU 7th frame].
   Full text

7.58 Pries-Heje, J., J. Johansen, J. Simonsen, et al. (2007): 2Innovate: Ansøgning om Innovationskonsortie, 2Innovate, ”Innovation med basis i virkeligheden”, [Research proposal].
   Full text

7.57 Barlach, A. og J. Simonsen (2007): Which Parts of a Clinical Process EPR Needs Special Configuration, Dansk Selskab for Medicinsk Informatik (DSMI) årsmøde d. 29.-30. marts 2007, Comwell Middelfart, Danmark.

7.56 Palsbro, L., J. Simonsen, og M. Hertzum (2007): Indstilling: Forskningskommunikationsprisen 2007.
   Full text

7.55 Pries-Heje, J., J. Johansen, J. Simonsen, et al. (2006): InNova: Ansøgning om Innovationskonsortie, In*Nova, ”Innovation med basis i virkeligheden”, [Research proposal].
   Full text

7.54 Simonsen, J. (2006): Reconfiguring Cooperative Work by Visualizing EPR on Large Projected Screens, Paper presented at the PDC 2006 workshop on: Reconfiguring Healthcare: Issues in Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Healthcare Environments. Participatory Design Conference, Trento, Italy, August 1-5, 2006 (PDC 2006).
   Full text

7.53 Simonsen, J., I. L Pedersen og J. Møller-Jensen (2006): Evaluering af den klinisk nytteværdi af et konfigureret Klinisk Proces Modul: Et eksperiment med Evidensbaseret IT udvikling på akut apopleksi afsnit, Dansk Selskab for Medicinsk Informatik (DSMI) årsmøde d. 29.-30. marts 2006, Comwell Middelfart, Danmark.

7,52 DVD documentary movie (2006): Participatory Design, Electronic Patient Records, and Evidence-Based IT Development (Danish version entitled: Klinisk proces-eksperiment på Roskilde Amts Sygehus: Brugerdeltagelse og evidensbaseret udvikling). Produced through a close collaboration between Computer Science, Roskilde University, CSC Scandihealth, and Roskilde County Hospital. Sponsored by CSC Scandihealth. Filmed by TV-Køge.
   Video, Dansk version
   Video, English version
   See the moview or read about it

7.51 EPJ-enheden - Roskilde Amt (Ivan Lund Pedersen, Rikke Kragh Iversen, Bente Mols Madsen), CSC Scandihealth A/S (John Møller-Jensen), Roskilde Universitetscenter/Datalogi (Jesper Simonsen, Morten Hertzum) (2006): Erfaringsrapport: Klinisk proces projekt, Maj 2006.
   Full text (100 pages, 1.5 MB)

7.50 Simonsen, J., and M. Hertzum (2005): Evidence-Based IT Development, CSC Scandihealth A/S and Roskilde University [Application for the Industrial PhD-Initiative].

7.49 Bødker, K., P. Danholt, M. Hertzum ,J. Mølvig, and J. Simonsen, (2004): DiaLog - bedre diabetesforløb gennem øget informationsudveksling, [Research proposal], HIT research program.

7.48 Kensing, F., J. Bansler, K. Bødker, P. Danholt, E. Havn, M. Hertzum, N. Johannsen, J. Kampp, ,J. Mølvig, D. Strand, and J. Simonsen, (2004): IT Support for Shared Care, [Research proposal], HIT research program.
   Full text

7.47 Simonsen, J., R. L. Andersen, M. Hertzum, K. D. H. Njor, and M. Nilsson (2004): HIT projektet og KOS [Project Charter, v. 4]. HIT research program.
   Full text

7.46 Kensing, F., K. Bødke, and J. Simonsen (2004): "Teaching Participatory Design". In A. Clement, F. Cindio, A. Oostve5en, and P. Besselaar (Eds.) Proceedings of the eighth Participatory Design Conference 2004, Vol. II (PDC 2004), Artful Integration: Interweaving Media, Materials and Practices, July 27-31, 2004 Toronto, Canada, Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility - CPSR, Palo Alto, CA 94302-0717, [Conference Workshop], pp. 209-210.
   Full text

7.45 Danholt, P., K. Bødker, M. Hertzum and J. Simonsen (2004): Samarbejde mellem H:S Diabetes/RASK implementeringsudvalget og HIT diabetesgruppen [Project Charter, 14-06-2004]. HIT research program.
   Full text

7.44 Simonsen, J. (2004): Position Paper, HIT forskningsprogrammet, HIT-seminar 12-03-2004, ITU, København, HIT research program.
   Full text

7.43 Bansler, J., Bødker, K., Carstensen, P., Havn, E., Hertzum, M., Kensing, F., Schmidt, K., and Simonsen, J. (2003): HealthcareIT – HIT, [Research proposal]. HIT research program.
   Full text

7.42 Simonsen, J. (2003): From Systems Design to CSCL?, in M. Hertzum and S. Heilesen. (Eds.): Proceedings of the Third Danish Human-Computer Interaction Research Symposium, Roskilde University, Roskilde, Danmark, 27. november, Writings of Computer Science, pp. 87-90.
   Full text

7.41 Pedersen, M. K., P. Bjørn, L. Frank, M. H. Larsen, and J. Simonsen (2003): Requisite Information Collaboration and Distributed Knowledge Management in Software Development. Unpublished research-in-progress paper.
   Full text

7.40 Pedersen, M. K., P. Bjørn, L. Frank, M. H. Larsen, and J. Simonsen (2002): Requisite Information Collaboration and Distributed Knowledge Management in Software. Research proposal, SIRICUM Studies in requisite information collaboration and knowledgemanagement. [Research proposal].
   Full text

7.39 K.B. Bøving and J. Simonsen (2002): Anvendt web usage mining af computer mediated communication. [Research proposal].
   Full text

7.38 K. Bødker, K. B. Bøving., J. K. Pors, and J. Simonsen (2001): Lotus QuickPlace in Nordea/Group Indentity and Communication, Version 1.1, 17-10-2001. DIWA research program.

7.37 Simonsen, J. (2000): Projektgrundlag for et erfaringsdannende eksperiment med Lotus QuickPlace™ hos Unibank. [Project Charter], Version 1.1, 1-12-2000. DIWA research program.
   Full text

7.36 Bøving, K. B., J. K. Pors, and J. Simonsen (2000): Forandringssupport hos Unibank. Status, resultater og ideer til det videre samarbejde. [Changesupport at Unibank. Status, Results, and Ideas for further collaboration], Version 2.1, 24-10-2000. DIWA research program.

7.35 Simonsen, J.(2000): Oplæg til samarbejde mellem Forandringssupport og DIWA. [Project Charter], Version 2, 15-5-2000. DIWA research program.
   Full text

7.34 Bødker, K., F. Kensing, and J. Simonsen (2000): Statusrapport for 1999 afslutningen af CIT-projekt #062 & Slutrapport regnskab for 1999, [Final Project Status Report], Version: 2.0, 13/3-2000
   Full text

7.33 Simonsen, J.(2000): Position Paper, DIWA forskningsprogrammet, DIWA-seminar 4, 28-02-2000, Søminen, RUC, Roskilde. DIWA research program.
   Full text

7.32 Simonsen, J. (1999): Position paper for "Social Thinking - Software Practice" Dagstuhl Seminar: Social Thinking – Software Practice: Approaches Relating Software Development, Work, and Organizational Change, September 5th-10th, 1999, Schloß Dagstuhl, Germany.
   Full text

7.31 Bansler, J., K. Bødker, P. H. Carstensen, S. Finken, E. C. Havn, K. B. Jensen, A. H. Jørgensen, F. Kensing, P. A. Mayer, L. H.n Petersen, K. Schmidt, and J. Simonsen, (1999): DIWA – Design and use of Interactive Web Applications, A proposal for the Danish Research Councils’ Program on Information Technology. March 22, 1999. DIWA research program.
   Full text

7.30 Bødker, K., F. Kensing, and J. Simonsen (1999): Årsrapport for MUST/CIT projektet Arbejdsformer i datalogiske forundersøgelser; CIT projekt #062, [Project Status Report], Version: 1.0, 26/2-99
   Full text

7.29 Simonsen, J. (1998): Notat om bearbejdning af data fra analysen i et EU land, (fortrolig rapport), [A report on working through the data from the analysis done in an EU country], (confidential report, in Danish), MUST/CIT-projektet, Arbejdsformer i datalogiske forundersøgelser, CIT projekt #062, MUST-gruppen, Datalogi, Roskilde Universitetscenter, Version: 1.0, 26/11-98.

7.28 Simonsen, J. (1998): Oversigt over MUST-metodens teknikker og beskrivelsesværktøjer, [Overview of the MUST-method's techniques and representations], (in Danish), MUST/CIT-projektet, Arbejdsformer i datalogiske forundersøgelser, CIT projekt #062, MUST-gruppen, Datalogi, Roskilde Universitetscenter, Version: 1.0, 13/9-98.
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7.27 Simonsen, J. (1998): Projektgrundlag og Plan, (fortrolige rapporter), [Projekt charter and project plan], (confidential reports, in Danish), MUST/CIT-projektet, Arbejdsformer i datalogiske forundersøgelser, CIT projekt #062, MUST-gruppen, Datalogi, Roskilde Universitetscenter, Version: 1.2, 22/11-98.

7.26 Simonsen, J. (1998): Rapport: Behov og muligheder, (fortrolig rapport), [A report on needs and possibilities], (confidential report, in Danish), MUST/CIT-projektet, Arbejdsformer i datalogiske forundersøgelser, CIT projekt #062, MUST-gruppen, Datalogi, Roskilde Universitetscenter, Version: 1.0, 6/7-98.

7.25 Bødker, K., F. Kensing, and J. Simonsen (1998): Arbejdsformer i datalogiske forundersøgelser, [Article on the CIT project in CIT-News], CIT-NYT, november 1998.
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7.24 Bødker, K., F. Kensing, and J. Simonsen (1998): Årsrapport for MUST/CIT projektet Arbejdsformer i datalogiske forundersøgelser; CIT projekt #062, [Project Status Report], Version: 1.1, 31/2-98
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7.23 Danmarks Radio, Rigshospitalets Informatikafdeling, WM-data A/S, Pensionskassernes Administration A/S, Fischer & Lorenz, MUST-gruppen ved Roskilde Universitetscenter/datalogi og Center for IT forskning (1997): CIT forsknings- og udviklingsaftale for IT-projekt nr. 62: “Arbejdsformer i datalogiske forundersøgelser” [CIT Project Contract].
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7.22 Danmarks Radio, Rigshospitalets Informatikafdeling, WM-data A/S, Pensionskassernes Administration A/S, Fischer & Lorenz og MUST-gruppen Roskilde Universitetscenter/datalogi (1997): Arbejdsformer i datalogiske forundersøgelser. CIT projekt nr. 62, MUST/CIT-projektbeskrivelse, 4-6-97, [Research Proposal], MUST-gruppen, datalogi, Roskilde Universitetscenter.
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7.21 Pedersen,E. R., A. T. Mortensen, F. Kensing, J.B. Pedersen, J. K. Jacobsen, J. Simonsen, A. Aboulafia, T. Sokoler (1996): Center for innovativt design af menneske-maskinegrænsefladen, [Research Proposal], Roskilde University.
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7.20 Andersen, K.S., B. Flannov, L. Geckler, P. Genild, O. Jacobsen, F. Kensing, H. Lunau og J. Simonsen (1995): Anvendelse af workgroup-systemer på P3 - en forundersøgelsesrapport,  [Using Workgroup-systems in P3: Report on the Design Project in the Danish Broadcasting Corporation], (in Danish), Danmarks Radio/P3 og R-IT, 16. juni 1995.
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7.19 Kensing, F., K. Bødker, and J. Simonsen (1994): An Emerging Approach to Systems Design - Experience from the MUST Program, Writings on Computer Science No. 94, Computer Science Department, Roskilde University, Roskilde, Denmark.
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7.18 Kensing, F., K. Bødker, and J. Simonsen (1994): Articulating Design Approaches?, Position paper for the workshop "Approaches to Work Analysis for CSCW systems design" at CSCW '94, the Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, October 22-26, 1994, Chapel Hill, NC, USA.
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7.17 Simonsen, J. and F. Kensing (1994): Take Users Seriously, but Take a Deeper Look: - Organizational and Technical Effects from Designing with an Intervention and Ethnographically Inspired Approach, Stanford University, Center for the Study of Language and Information (CSLI), Report No. CSLI-94-185, April.
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7.16 Simonsen, J. (1994): Soft Systems Methodology - An Introduction, Department of Computer Science, Roskilde University, Roskilde, Denmark.
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7.15 Simonsen, J. (1994): Administrative Behavior. How Organizations can be Understood in Terms of Decision Processes, Department of Computer Science, Roskilde University, Roskilde, Denmark.
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7.14 Simonsen, J. (1994): Work Analysis, Department of Computer Science, Roskilde University, Roskilde, Denmark.
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7.13 Lam, L., M. Moore, M. Morrison, B. Phillips, D. Scheuch, J. Simonsen, J. Sweet, J. Willmes, and J. Yarborough (1993): Draft Report of the Business Practices Team on Chart of Accounts/General Ledger, November 1993, Stanford University.

7.12 Simonsen, J. (1993): Introduction to a Case-Study at the Administration of Stanford University, Stanford University, Center for the Study of Language and Information, Xerox-PARC, DSG.
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7.11 Simonsen, J. (1992): Forundersøgelsesrapport for Distributionen og Informationsafdelingen i Statens Filmcentral, (fortrolig rapport), [Report on the Design Project in the Marketing and Order Receiving Departments], (confidential report, in Danish), Datalogi, Roskilde Universitetscenter.

7.10 Simonsen, J. (1992): Projektgrundlag for en forundersøgelse i Distributionen og Informationsafdelingen, [Project Charter for the Design Project in the Marketing and Order Receiving Departments], (in Danish), Datalogi, Roskilde Universitetscenter.
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7.9 Kensing, F. and J. Simonsen (1992): Forundersøgelsesrapport for Programredaktionen i Statens Filmcentral, [Report on the Design Project in the Editorial Board], (in Danish), Datalogi, Roskilde Universitetscenter.
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7.8 Kensing, F. and J. Simonsen (1992): Projektgrundlag for en forundersøgelse i Statens Filmcentral, [Project Charter for the Design Project in the Film Board], (in Danish), Datalogi, Roskilde Universitetscenter.
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7.7 Simonsen, J. (1992): The Role of a Phenomenological Approach in Designing CSCW, Position paper for the workshop "Interdisciplinary Theory for CSCW design" at CSCW'92, Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, October 31 to November 4, 1992, Toronto, Canada.
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7.6 Simonsen, J. (1992): "Is it Possible to Combine a Phenomenological and a Functionalistic Approach?", in G. Bjerknes, T. Bratteteig, and K. Kautz (Eds.): Preceedings of the 15th IRIS, Information Systems Research seminar In Scandinavia, 9.-12. August, Larkollen, Norway, Department of Informatics, University of Oslo, pp. 75-82.
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7.5 Simonsen, J. (1992): Work Analysis - Evaluation and further Development of The Work Analysis - an Approach within Information Systems Requirement Analysis. Ph.D.-proposal, version 2.1, Computer Science, Roskilde University.
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7.4 Simonsen, J. (1992): Computer Supported Cooperative Work. En rapport fra 2 konferencer: 3. internationale konference i CSCW 7-10 oktober 1990 i Los Angeles og 2. europæiske konference i CSCW 24-27 september 1991 i Amsterdam, [A report from two CSCW conferences], Datalogiske skrifter nr. 35, datalogi, Roskilde Universitetscenter.
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7.3 Bødker, K., F. Kensing, L.B. Pedersen og J. Simonsen (1991): MUST Projektbeskrivelse, MUST-Arbejdspapir nr. 1, datalogi, [Research Proposal] Roskilde Universitetscenter.

7.2 Simonsen, J. (1991): "Computer Supported Cooperative Work", DKUUG-nyt, No. 37, Dansk UNIX-system Bruger Gruppe, februar.

7.1 Simonsen, J. (1991): Optimering af SQL-statements i ESAS og ØSE, [Optimizing SQL-statements in the ESAS and ØSE systems], Dansk Data Elektronik A/S.

